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White Rhino Coffee

Web Design

The Objective:
To reshape a brand's webpage.
This mock concept project was for the redesign of a corporate website of my choice. For this web design project, I chose White Rhino Coffee, a small independent coffee shop here in DFW. While looking at the company’s website, I knew I wanted to give White Rhino Coffee a new more modern look to their website that utilizes modern fonts and styling that works with their brand and audience. This redesign incorporates several elements of research including client research, personas, SWOT competitive analysis, and other research methods to achieve our end goal — a true redesign of the website.
Project Objective
The objective of this project was to create a complete website redesign consisting of a set of three redesigned websites surrounding a business of our choice. The set must include a home page with two separate content pages.
Project Role

Project Team Members:
Oliver Harris — Designer & Researcher
Project Timeline
This project spanned over 2 months starting Oct 2021 to Early December 2021.

The Process

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The Research


Our Initial Assignment

The objective of this project was to create a complete website redesign consisting of a set of three redesigned websites surrounding a business of our choice. The set must include a home page with two separate content pages. The design had to match the businesses’ brand colors and design. This project was a collaborative effort with me and another designer, Oliver Harris. We would each share an research role as well as contribute to the final website design.

There were various research methods involved in this project. Research included a client questionnaire, an analysis of the clients’ direct competitors, the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis as well as creation of a person to thoroughly address our clients needs.

Who is Our Brand?

Our Initial Questions

To create a true website redesign, it is imperative that you learn as much as you can about the company before starting. That what my group hoped to accomplish with the first part our research process, the client questionnaire. We reached out to company for assistance, and they gave us some information to base our website on. We focused on these three main categories to really dive in company and what is stands for.

  1. The Message
  2. Background
  3. Company Objectives
The Message
First and foremost Whine Rhino wanted to establish themselves as a brand that really is passionate about coffee and community. They wanted to differentiate themselves between other big brand restaurants that have lost their meaning and instead dropped the quality of their coffee in favor of profits.
White Rhino Coffee is an independent coffee shop serving the DFW area with 7 unique locations specializing in hand crafted coffee. The founder Chris Parvin hoped to create a coffee shop centered around community and fun.

"We use coffee to connect with people. We aren’t in the coffee business; we’re in the people business."— Chris Parvin, Company Founder
Company Objectives
Through our questionnaire we found that White Rhino’s top three objectives were to expand the brand, stay connected with their consumers, and to deliver exceptional craft coffee and culinary experience while creating a community around coffee.
The two main competitors of White Rhino, PJ's Coffe & Starbucks

Competitor Analysis

The SWOT Method

Our second method of research was to complete a SWOT analysis based on the brand and its various competitors. The SWOT method identifies a company’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. This information was compiled from public company data and an overview analysis of its competitors. For this assignment we chose the top competitors Starbucks and PJ’s Coffee Shop. Starbucks was chosen because they are large in the coffee industry and PJ’s who is another independent chain who is a direct competitor of White Rhino.

Our SWOT analysis

In this exercise we found that while there are many strengths in the brands current social media presence, it was however lacking strength in its webpage. For a company that had a strong social media presence the webpage was often found to be clunky and outdated. We broke down this data into key goals that we wanted to accomplish:

  1. Addition of an online ordering system from the webpage
  2. Organization of locations
  3. Build customer awareness of events to enhance the brands commitment to community

The User Persona

In addition to our competitor analysis, we created a persona for the brand named Brenda C. This persona would appeal to the ideal consumer for White Rhino who we believed had the following characteristics:

  1. Someone who believed in the quality of their coffee
  2. An extroverted person, one who would enjoy White Rhinos events and lounging areas in which people can relax and spend time together
  3. Someone who fit the age group, which we believe White Rhinos demographics appealed towards middle class people between the ages of 21-35

Key Goals

With the information gathered from multiple research sources, we could begin to set a certain set of goals that we wanted to present to our customers. We wanted to ensure a clean and simple presentation of brand information while giving customers easy access to online ordering, location information and more. We focused on what we believed the end user would prioritize when browsing our webpage.

Our Redesign Plan

Our reworked sitemap

Constructing the New Website

The Site Map

With our users in mind, the first thing we wanted to organize was the navigation bar. We recreated the sitemap to best fit the design choices we wanted to establish. While the original sitemap was busy and included various unnecessary elements, we streamlined the number of items in the bar for a more concise look that was easier to read and more aesthetically pleasing for the end user.


For our design we wanted to be distinctive to our brand while also looking fun and bringing a sense of community. We stuck with the brand’s striking choice of blue which we felt would bring a sense of calmness and good feeling. In our initial brainstorm we also wanted to show beautiful pictures of coffee and the people who make it.

The three pages we settled on the creating were the home page, a locations page, and an ordering page. These three pages we felt would best represent in the goals that we wanted to accomplish for our users.


A collection of the various wireframes and layouts I brainstormed

Moving on to the design stage


In our initial wireframes we wanted to showcase big examples of imagery. We modeled the site after establishing a collective mood board and move forward with idea of incorporating imagery with clean modern fonts. The layouts of these items would be positioned dynamically in rhythm for the user’s eyes to get them to continue scrolling and explore what White Rhino is all about.

The Design

When moving to the design phase, we explored several options in imagery placement, fonts, and other design elements for the website. Initially we played around with fun design elements such as bubbles to add a playful element to the webpage which was eventually incorporated into the final design. In addition, we stuck with the dynamic aqua blue that would catch people's eyes and draw them in.

Comparison of the first version of the menu to the final version

Our Refinements

Making the design perfect

In our first design, our choices of imagery were poorly read. While the founder mainly presented himself as a professional person in a suit, we found that users would relate to him more when using imagery of him serving customers and interacting with the community.

Secondly, the menu section of the home page was a stark difference in both colors and tone when incorporated into the website. Many people thought the choice of colors were brash and that the navigation for the menu could be improved rather than having a big navigation bar. To improve this, we added a drop that menu that people could pick and choose their categories. This solution offered both a cleaner look and increased user-friendly navigation.

Our Final Design

The final redesign of the White Rhino home page

Final Conlusion

Our Thoughts

We took the critique of what our users had given us and improved on our take on the White Rhino Webpage. We felt that we had incorporated our design goals in our design which was to make the website cleaner and easier to navigate. In addition, we also added several playful elements such as the dots and coffee cup background to bring a sense of playfulness and fun. We also added a break in the home page to present users with a meaningful quote by the founder to further cement the presence of community and show the user that White Rhino is not in the coffee business, its in the people business.

The team learned a lot. We realized that we had to thoroughly research our company and its users in order to achieve the goals we had set at the beginning of the project. By utilizing various research methodologies, we really were able to get in depth information on our customers needs. This information really helped shape the overall vision of the redesign as we created a webpage that not only looked pretty but incorporated the needs of the end user as well.

What I learned

I learned that it involves a lot of time thinking to achieve your goals for the end user. We had to design, iterate, redesign, repeatedly in order to really agree on a design that we felt best achieved our goal. Many times, we faced challenges on thinking how the user would respond to our design choices. When we showcased our design, it was nice to gain insight on ideas that other people had, and we were able to bring those elements into our final product.

Thank You

Thank you viewing this project.